For sale
  • Status: available
  • Address: Apache County, AZ
  • Property Size: 6.15 acres
  • Parcel Numbers:: 207-56-070. 207-56-071, 207-56-072, 207-56-073
  • Cash Price: $8,000
  • Owner Financing Price: $400 down, $200/month for 48 months

6.15 acres of land full of fun possibilities

If you are enthusiastic about ATV, motorcycling, etc, this will be a playground that you can boast to everyone. Note that the property is bordering 150 acres of public land where you can be virtually boundless.

If you are into shooting, this could be your perfectly-safe shooting range.

You could even build your dream masonry house on top of the hill with the raw materials right onsite. The scene is breathtaking as the high point of this property is among the highest in the area. Powerlines are just 1500 feet away. The water table is believed to be less than 100 ft below the surface, so it will be very cheap to drill a well. The closest town of Sanders is just 10 minutes away with grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, as well as public library and schools.

There are plenty of attractions in the area: Petrified Forest National Park is just 30 minutes away, Painted Desert is 1 hour 20 minutes away. Visit our blog post to learn more about the fun activities in Apache County.

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